Friday, September 14, 2007

This will come back to haunt them someday

Last year when all of my friends and neighbors were consumed with the task of finding Halloween costumes, I had more important things to worry about. Like when I could sleep. So Papa bought the boys some spiderman costumes to carry on the family tradition of a long line of spidermen. Unfortunately, even though they were sized 6 months, they boys were still in 0-3 month clothing. So the costumes were stashed away and forgotten.

Posted by PicasaA few weeks ago while cleaning out Matt and Will's closet for an upcoming consignment sale, Chris and I came across the costumes and decided to try them on the boys. They fit. So we decided to take loads of embarrassing pictures and paraded them down the street for all the neighbors to see. It was a wonderful evening.

I know I've been terrible about blogging lately, so I figured I'd play catch up.

  • At our recent well-child visit Will was 31 inches tall and weighed 21 lbs. 11 oz. Matt was the exact same height and tipped the scales at 20 lbs. 6 oz.

  • We had to take the boys for some blood work at our local hospital to check a recurring rash. A fellow MOM reassured me that the lab used numbing cream and the boys would do fine. Guess what? No numbing cream. Will had to have two draws because the first vein didn't give enough of a sample- not a good morning for us.

  • The blood work came back normal except for their iron levels, so I have to give them supplements. There is a negative side effect associated with iron which is the same side effect we've been dealing with thanks to the transition to whole milk. Thank goodness the boys have acquired a taste for prunes. We can all sleep at night thanks to those prunes.

  • Matt fell off his firetruck this morning (with a little help from Will I'm sure) and I ran to him and found blood coming out both nostrils and his mouth. He has a huge fat lip thanks to a tear at the top of his gums. I'll be sure to take a photo to commemorate my neglect. Thanks to some ice and tylenol, he's fine now.

  • There are times that I make Matt and Will hold my hand while they walk. It's great when I need them to follow me inside or keep them safely on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, they've learned that they can drop to their knees to avoid having to go my way. I cannot even convey to you what an annoying habit this is.

  • A couple in Arizona was recently on TV with their 3 month-old sextuplets. The mom looked great. Asked about their schedule, she said that all 6 were on the same 3-hour feeding schedule and they all slept between feedings. They only wake once during the night for a feeding at 2 am. They ALL sleep from 7pm until 2am, wake for a feeding and go back to sleep until 7am. When I told Chris about this he asked why couldn't we have had sextuplets. We spent over a year waking no less than 6 times each night. We went more than a year without regular naps. We apparently were not meant to be parents.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I cannot tell you how much it makes me smile to picture you all parading down the street in the Spiderman costumes. Yes, please include those in the rehearsal dinner slideshow.