Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Multiple Multiples

Blogger ate all my text, and I don't feel like retyping so here are a few photos from our trip (which was so much easier than I ever could have expected thanks to the fact that I set my expectations low).

Chris, Will and Matt along with his cousin and her triplets. Five kiddos under 3 in the same house. They are adorable and Chris's cousin is amazing.

Will, Chris, Nana, Gran and Matt- four generations!

Will and Matt enjoying the complimentary breakfast that came with their hotel room on our last day of the road trip.
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Definitely on the mend

I can tell Matt is feeling better because he's back to biting Will when he doesn't get his way. It doesn't happen very often, but as soon as I hear Will's wail, I know that he's once again on the receiving end of Matt's teeth. What surprises me most is that Will has rarely bitten Matt. Thank goodness Will at least hits Matt, otherwise I'd be worried that Will is a big sissy.

I didn't witness the latest bite, but when I rounded the corner I found Matt stuck in the basket trying to figure out how to get out and Will dissolved in tears. I took a mom and me photo to try to make Will feel better, but he wasn't too impressed. All I can say is I just hope he doesn't inherit my nose.
I'll report in after I recover from the road trip... look for my next post in April 2009.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We must be insane

I'm sure the 3 people that read this blog are waiting on pins and needles to find out how Matt's diaper rash is. After 8 days, nearly 50 baths, 2 different prescription creams, and a pleading call to the pediatric clinic, he is finally on the mend. He should be nearly healed by the time we leave for our road trip this week. I believe I vowed not to travel any more this summer after the trip to the beach, but under duress Chris got me to agree to take a road trip with him, the boys and his mom. I must be a saint.

We're splitting the 12 hour drive between two days, since Chris is in bed every night by 9pm and I pretty much can't see after dark. As you can tell, we are not experienced road trippers. In fact, under the pretense of "saving our marriage" Chris purchased a GPS navigation system to use on the trip so he didn't have to consult his passenger for any help with directions.

When we arrive at our destination on Friday afternoon, we'll have a whole day and half with his family before we pack up the van and start the drive back on Sunday. I can tell Matt and Will are really excited about sitting in their car seats for 6 hours a day. It's all we talk about.

The 8-day diaper rash marathon has taught me a lot about the boys. As hard as it was to suffer from such an uncomfortable rash, Matt weathered the week without much problem. Poor Will was another story; he's just not used to feeling so neglected. By yesterday afternoon Will was so miserable. He was moping around the house whining and then would suddenly throw himself down on the floor feigning injury. When I didn't fall for his act, he picked himself up off the floor, took a few steps and threw himself down again. It was so sad to watch his desperate plea for attention. I just knew he was thinking "why couldn't I have gotten the diaper rash? why does it always have to be Matt!" Oh to be a twin!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Warning: Bare Bottom Ahead

We're dealing with another round of bad diaper rash for poor Matt, but I'll get to that later. I figured I'd better share some photos from this week:

Here's Will changing out of his pj's. Don't you just want to squeeze him?

Will after eating cheese ravioli. He usually likes to smear it all over his face, hair, eyes, etc.

Sweet Matt- before the diaper rash.

This is how we know the boys are finished with a meal. They start throwing everything on the floor. Doesn't it sound like a fun game?

Yet another way to tell when a meal is over.

Will's first professional hair cut.

And Matt's too!
Along with 3 baking soda baths per day and lots of prescription ointment, I also try to air Matt out a few times throughout the day. After 4 days it's no better, so we're trying a different tactic. I'm praying the new prescription will work, because even though Matt is a trooper, he is still so uncomfortable right now.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yesterday while I unloading the stroller out of the minivan at the grocery store, a woman walked by and said, "It gets easier." I guess I looked at her strangely because she went on to say that she had two-year old twins. I wanted to tell her that after surviving 12 months of pure hell, nothing could be easier than my life now.

So maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but the first year really was rough. Yet now after enjoying a mere two months of sleeping through the night, the horrors of the first 12 months are starting to fade. It's amazing what a little sleep can do for a mom on the edge.

For the first time ever, we have a schedule. Several days during the week, Matt and Will actually take a nap. I mean, I have to pinch myself sometimes to see if I'm dreaming! I get work done, I run errands, I fix meals, I read books, I work out, I have dinner with friends, I go to church. My life has done a complete 180 in just two short months. It's indescribable how wonderful that feels. I will never again take for granted my ability to sleep uninterrupted for more than 30 minutes at a time.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Camera Loves Matt

I've apparently been favoring Matt lately, because all of my photos seem to be of him and not Will. Oops! That's a huge twin mom faux pas. Here are some recent favorites of Matt mainly:

Chris gave Matt the "Steve Urkel" look and he felt so self-conscious. Even though high-waisted pants are coming back into style, Matt wants none of it!

Here's Matt plowing the living room floor while Will steers.

Matt has been crawling under furniture lately to find his missing racquet balls.

Matt has very good taste in water, just like his mom.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

One Year Photos, Two Months Late

Matt and Will



Mom loves her boys

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