Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Virtual friends

When I was pregnant, I discovered the greatest place on the planet- Whether you are TTC (trying to conceive) or a SAHM (stay at home mom), you can find your place on BBC (babycenter). Whenever I had a question I would log on to BBC and never even have to post a thing, because typically 100 other women had the same question and 200 women answered the call. If there's anything that women enjoy more than talking, it must be typing!

When I discovered I was pregnant with twins, I found a group of women who were also pregnant with twins and due around the same time. We were from all over North America and varied in age, profession, number of children and background but our common bond was our twin pregnancy. We were each others biggest cheerleaders. We celebrated each milestone, each pound gained, each day without morning sickness. One by one we all made trips to the hospital for pre-term labor or pre-eclampsia and one by one we started having our babies early.
Our group is still together, and we still celebrate our most notable achievements- setting a schedule, sleeping 8 hours, going on a date, surviving vacation. We don't check in as often as we used to, but it's so nice knowing that there are "friends" out there who share your same experiences. Isn't technology great?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there a place on for people like me (those who FREAK OUT when babies are around or suggest to you crate training for children)??? ... I'm going to say probably not.
PS- I'm glad you're keeping up with the postings.