Wednesday, May 7, 2008

They Got the Memo

For the most part we've been cruising along, basking in the delight of fitful sleep for nearly a year. When your point of reference is one year of hell, everything else is roses. No matter how bad a day we have, I can always count on a 7:45pm bedtime. Usually the favorite time of day in our house.

I'd like to make it perfectly clear that Matt and Will have officially turned two. Apparently someone let them in on the "terrible two's" rite of passage, and they have been speeding down the checklist for the past 12 days.

- Excessive use of "NO!" Check!
- Public displays of disruption Check!
- Hitting, slapping, biting Check!
- Tantrums Check!
- Lots of quality time-outs Check!

Some highlights of the past 12 days...
Favorite quote- "Emma, NO!"
Will's favorite quote- "MA, NO!" translation "Matt, NO!"
Favorite place to yell at top of lungs- local restaurants
Newest recipient of slaps- Mama
Latest fear- caterpillars

I'm taking it all in stride but am fearing the next two years. A twin mom recently came up to Chris and I proclaiming, "I have some of those." She proceeded to tell us that when those twins were 3 years old she wanted to kill herself. Apparently I have a lot to look forward to.
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1 comment:

Sharon said...

Robin, these are awesome! I especially love the videos, hearing their voices and yours, too! You are such a wonderful writer -- very, very funny stuff!