Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Looking Back

March has become an emotional month for me. It will always remind me of the roller coaster ride that led up to Matt and Will's birth. The end of March 2006 brought my first hospital stay for pre-term labor, steroid shots for the babies' lung development, weeks of IV mag and bedrest. The boys' birthday is bittersweet. It is a joyous occasion; we are incredibly blessed that Matt and Will are perfectly healthy now. But I will always remember the circumstances surrounding their birth. I will always remember that it was 12 hours before I visited them. Five days before I held Will. Ten days before I held Matt.
Today I picked out a white button down shirt to wear to work. It was one of many white button down shirts my mom purchased to make kangaroo care with the boys more modest. I can't look at those shirts without remembering hours, days, weeks visiting the boys in the NICU. The half hour kangaroo care sessions we had. The feel of their skin against mine. Knowing that my body had the power to help regulate their temperature.
Matt and Will take my breath away. They make me laugh. They turn me into a baby talking, uber-affectionate, swelling with pride mama. It amazes me every day how far we've come.

Will above, Matt below

Will above, Matt below
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