Friday, December 14, 2007

Utter Shock

I despise most diaper changes. The flipping game is old. It was old 6 months ago, and it's still old now. Yesterday Matt had a dirty diaper and I was dreading the crying, flailing walk to the nursery and all that would follow, so I turned to him and asked, "Matt, can mommy change your diaper?" Imagine my surprise when he acknowledged me, sat down, flopped on his back and stared. After the initial shock wore off, I praised him, ran into the nursery for my supplies and enjoyed a calm and quiet diaper change. Ahh, the little things in life!

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LauraC said...

I keep meaning to comment... if you could work this out at my house, that would be FANTASTIC!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see you're posting more!

Unknown said...

Yeah for happy diaper changes! We are just entering the flip roll and getaway time. How can they be so strong when they are so little! Anyways, since I haven't talked with you in a while, I thought I'd at least comment on your blog :)