Friday, June 8, 2007

Welcome to my life

Thursday night I discovered that my driver's license expired on my birthday- about two months ago. So I decided to get to the revenue office bright and early Friday morning before I had to drive north to meet a friend. I was up by 6:20 and was in the shower when Matt awoke a little earlier than expected. Chris was running late, so he kindly got him out of the crib and changed his diaper. By the time I was out of the shower, Will was awake and the morning rush began. I actually managed to leave the house by 8:10 after I had 1. Changed Will's diaper 2. Prepared two bottles and fed two boys 3. Soaked Matt in a J&J bubble bath followed by a baking soda bath (we're still battling a horrible diaper rash) 3. Wrestled two boys into onesies, pants, shirts and socks 4. Put make-up on and dried my hair and 5. Loaded the double stroller and two boys into the car.

When I arrived at the revenue office I unloaded the stroller, got both the boys securely buckled into it and headed for the front door. Greeting me at the door was a computer generated, laminated sign that read: "The card machine is out of order. We are unable to process driver's licenses at this time."

Are you kidding me? I seriously wanted to march into that office and explain to them what I went through to get there with two babies who had been bathed, dressed and fed. I mean, I HAD MAKE-UP ON. And I USED A HAIR DRYER.

When I calmly explained to the man at the desk that my license was expired he shrugged and told me I better not attract any attention from the police. Believe me, I could have attracted plenty of police attention right about then, but instead I smiled at him through gritted teeth and politely took my leave.

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