Monday, May 7, 2007

Big boys!

I never thought I would be so happy to have children in the 2nd and 3rd percentiles for anything, but we are ecstatic that the boys are finally on the the growth chart for weight. Today was our 12 month appointment and the doctor was pleased with their recent weight gain. In just the last few weeks they have really packed it on. Today's stats:

18 lbs. 4.5 ounces
29 inches long

18 lbs. 10.5 ounces
28.5 inches long

Typically at this age we would wean them off formula and onto whole milk, but our ped suggested we continue to use formula for another 3-6 months. This is what went through my head as he dropped that bomb- 3 1/2 cans of formula per week x $26.00 per can x and additional 12-24 weeks = holy-cow-that's-a-lot-of-darn-money!

There are many, many benefits to breastfeeding but let me tell you just a couple:
1. You save lots of money
2. You don't have to wash bottles

I'm pretty sure I'll come to terms with spending all of that money on formula, because after all I have a sugar daddy. Unfortunately my sugar daddy doesn't wash bottles, so that means my hands will be cracked and bleeding for another 3-6 months.


LauraC said...

YAY for getting on the growth charts! That is awesome!

BOO for more bottle washing! If you use Similac, I have a ton of Similac checks that we may be done with after our one year checkup next week.

Sarah said...

Robin, your blog is like crack. I have to read it every morning when I get in to work. Maybe you could put ads on it and use that money for formula. Dang! That stuff is expensive!