Since I am not much of a planner, I didn't really think about how to keep them entertained while on the airplane. I finally did come up with two plans. Plan A- wing it and Plan B- Benadryl. Our ped told us to do a trial run with Plan B before the trip, so I tried it today. All it did was make 2 already fussy babies even more fussy. Looks like we'll be going with our trusty Plan A.
We tried to pack as light as possible and limited our bags to two checked and two carry ons since we are also bringing our stroller and car seats. Chris actually thinks we will all make it onto a terminal bus with everything in tow. I'll have to report back on that one.
I think you might be the very kind of family I get stuck sitting next to on my flights. I also think the benedryl is meant for you and Chris, not the boys.
Robin, I love reading each entry of your blog. It truly brings tears to my eyes as well as making me laugh. This is a great way to keep everyone in touch with Matt and Will. You and Chris are such great parents and it is such a pleasure to see such happy easy going children. I know it may not seem that way to you at times, but that is what I see, They seem so secure knowing that they have an abundance of love coming in their direction. What a great baby book that they will be able to enjoy one day.
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