Chris turned to me one day and asked, "So which one of your family members had buck teeth?" It was then that I had to come clean with the dark family secret. Although my brother and I both have big teeth, his were unusually large. Before an orthodontist would even touch my brother's teeth, he sent him to a dentist to have 8 permanent teeth pulled to make room in his mouth.
So it appears that Matt inherited his Uncle's teeth (see exhibit A). Let's just hope he didn't inherit his taste in women.
FINALLY! A new post. I once had horrible buck teeth. So bad that I had to wear a head gear TO SCHOOL in 3rd grade. I think that's where I gained my sense of sarcasm... I had to with all the teasing I got.
I have been meaning to comment forever...
Jon had SERIOUS buck teeth. He grew 6 inches one summer and finally fit into his teeth. Alex looks exactly like him as a baby, huge teeth and all.
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