I figured I needed to elaborate a little on our recent road trip. The one where we traveled 1500 miles in 5 days. I know I mentioned that Chris got a GPS lady to help him navigate the trip and she really was wonderful. I had hoped to come up with a catchy name for her, but I just ended up calling her the "voice of reason." I certainly didn't agree with all her directions, but you can all take a guess as to whom Chris listened to.
It really irritates me sometimes when women gush about how wonderful their husbands and/or children are. That's why it almost pains me to admit that our trip with Matt and Will was easy. They were pretty much perfect travelers except for our first night on the road when we stopped too late. That night we got to relive the first year of their lives by sharing a bed with them. Let's just say we sure don't miss having the boys sleep in bed with us, if you could call what we did sleep.
The rest of the trip was great. Matt and Will loved every minute of it save for their brief encounters with Caddy, the sweetest dog on earth. She freaked them out so bad that they cry when OUR dogs come around now.
A few more photos from the trip. The first one is just to show what we needed for a one night's stay on the road. Scary huh?

Will had his first taste of peach frozen yogurt. I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it.

Nana gave Matt and Will each a teddy bear. Matt loved pulling out the hair on his teddy bear. I'm afraid it will be bald by the end of the year.