Thursday, July 26, 2007

Definitely on the mend

I can tell Matt is feeling better because he's back to biting Will when he doesn't get his way. It doesn't happen very often, but as soon as I hear Will's wail, I know that he's once again on the receiving end of Matt's teeth. What surprises me most is that Will has rarely bitten Matt. Thank goodness Will at least hits Matt, otherwise I'd be worried that Will is a big sissy.

I didn't witness the latest bite, but when I rounded the corner I found Matt stuck in the basket trying to figure out how to get out and Will dissolved in tears. I took a mom and me photo to try to make Will feel better, but he wasn't too impressed. All I can say is I just hope he doesn't inherit my nose.
I'll report in after I recover from the road trip... look for my next post in April 2009.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy travels and we'll see you when you get home!