Monday, September 28, 2009

Matt and Will Interpret the Bible

We are studying Psalm 23 for the next several weeks and the boys are learning how a shepherd watches over his sheep. Here is what they learned last week.
P.S. My mom's Italian heritage is evident in Matt. He likes to talk with his hands.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I keep reminding myself that the boys have greatly improved since the first game. Check out Matt's big kick this week.


Take two for Matt.

Quick on his Feet

Putting Matt and Will in together makes for a winning combination. Check out Matt's reaction time!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Day of School

Last week Matt and Will began a two day a week pre-school program. This being their first taste of "organized care," you can imagine how anxious I was. Mainly because they had to be potty-trained for the program, and our summer long booty camp was only mildly successful. Much to my surprise, they came home in the clothes they went to school in. They actually made it 5 hours without an accident. Shocking!
Now that we're in week two I've discovered that they are only potty-trained at school, so the remaining 5 days a week at home they demand to wear diapers. Why would anyone want to switch to underwear full-time? It just makes no sense to them.
I didn't think it would be possible to get myself ready, prepare breakfast and lunches, feed and dress the boys, and get out the door before 8am but I've actually accomplished it 3 times. I have a whole new respect for women who do this 5 days a week.
Top photo- Matt and Will enjoying breakfast on the big day
Middle photo- Will and Matt in front of their cubbies
Bottom photo- checking out Stuart, the pet hamster

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Will's Moment to Shine

The video below is taken from last week's soccer game. Matt and Will are making huge improvements. They can actually take the field without having to hold their coach's hand. Will bragged all day on Saturday that he kicked the ball "THREE TIMES!" Wow. It's a good thing I captured 1 of the 3 on video.

P.S. Gran and Papa are hardcore fans, aren't they???