Monday, September 29, 2008
When Hugs Go Wrong

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
After the walk I took the boys to the play area where they acted like kids in a candy store for all of 3 minutes. Apparently the playground cannot compare to the excitement of the nearby creek. So for the rest of the morning we threw "socks" (translation: rocks) into the water and played in the dirt. Who needs a playground when there's running water and a plethora of rocks?
Friday, August 15, 2008
Morning with Will
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Family Tradition
The next day, we got to drive "daddy's new truck" and loaded Caleb's car seat so he could ride along with us. C's mom was quick to point out that the truck could easily accommodate triplets. Let's not even go there.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Naptime Ritual
Apparently Matt can't sleep without knowing that the extra form of protection is securely in place. I guess he's trying to tell me that he definitely cannot be trusted.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Will has become incredibly bossy over the last few weeks. He has an opinion about everything. Every morning he agonizes about what to wear. It's worse than having a teenager in the house. Each morning we go through all the shirts in the closet. He looks them over, ponders, and holds them before finally commanding, "NO! BACK!" For the most part, he does a pretty good job at picking outfits that somewhat go together. But he's had some misses. Like the Hawaiian outfit in the photo.
The boys have been spending some time at the local library. Our wonderful nanny takes them every week or so, and they play with puzzles, run through the aisles, knock over books and sit for story time. When our nanny was on vacation I decided to take them and check it out. We were late and didn't get to play with puzzles, but we sat in on the story time. By the time it was over, I felt like gouging my eyes out or going out for a stiff drink. The boys were fine; I just couldn't handle the suzy sunshine-sing songy-storyteller.
The picture of Will and Matt in the stroller is one taken in the parking deck of the library. Our nanny said they insisted on wearing their rain boots, so she let them. She's a smart gal; there are some battles that aren't worth fighting.
I'm constantly asked if the boys have different personalities. For the most part they are pretty similar, but there are some definite distinctions. For instance, Matt prefers to bite while Will likes to hit and shove. Will has to eat out of a blue bowl with a green utensil; Matt settles for the red bowl and red utensil. Will is quite territorial when it comes to his highchair, his car seat, and any toy that he is playing with. Matt for the most part is pretty easy going. But a new difference that I discovered last week was their puzzle building skills. Matt very precisely stacked the blocks in the right order and then disassembled them by putting each piece in a certain place. Will on the other hand was creative in his methods and ended up with an abstract version of the same puzzle. See the proof below.
The last photo is of Will and Jake. Lately Matt and Will have been fighting over who gets to take Jake to bed. This was taken after nap time. Notice that Will turned Jake on his stomach so he could sleep. Awwww!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Observations from the week
You'll see Will's birthmark in the 2nd photo. We don't even notice it anymore. Will doesn't notice it. In fact he can point out numerous boo boos on himself and Matt, but he has never pointed to his birthmark mistaking it for a boo boo. Two neighborhood kids asked about it today, and it reminded me that one day Will will take notice of it too. We met with a specialist last fall for a diagnosis and he mentioned the possibility of laser removal (though it probably wouldn't work that great on the ankle and foot, so what's the point). I'm going to feel bad when Will needs years of therapy as a result of us not having it removed and instead telling him it's what makes him special.
Chris was our hero for the day. This morning he awoke at 4:15 due to an odd smell. He discovered it was coming from the refrigerator but couldn't figure out exactly what it was. While I was googling "noxious odor from refrigerator" and only getting results about food smells, it actually started smoking. After returning to bed at 5:30, Chris kept reminding me that he saved our lives. It's a good thing I don't cook that much, because I was able to move the most important refrigerator items into our mini fridge that we keep in the garage for Chris's drink of choice- Mt. Dew. The best part (for Chris)- I was able to leave at least 6 cans of Dew in the fridge for him. It was the least I could do for him after he saved my life.
Discipline continues to be a problem for me. The problem is that you have to remain consistent. Sounds easy, but it is so much easier to just give up. Take the couch/counter/sink problem described in an earlier post. I spent all day telling them to sit on their bottoms, but they continued to stand, jump and crawl into the sink. By 7pm Chris and I had both had it, so we moved the couch away from the wall. When I told Chris they'd probably end up falling from the back of the couch onto the floor, he said, "well, I guess they'll only fall once." Let the games begin!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Two heads are better than one
She has a water dispenser that her son doesn't touch! We had to move ours to the laundry room as soon as Matt and Will discovered they could flood our home with 3 gallons of spring water just by depressing a lever. And if one's finger got tired, the other could take over. How fabulous is that? That darn water cooler has been in the laundry room for well over a year now, but do you think they can resist messing with it EVERY time they walk by it on their way to the garage?
A few weeks ago they discovered the one door that was not childproofed in our bathroom- the door to the linen closet. While I frantically tried to put on make up and dry my hair each morning, Matt and Will would pull everything within reach out of the closet and dump it into the bathtub. As if that weren't enough of a mess, they would then turn on the water and shriek with delight.
With the way our living room is arranged, I knew we'd have issues with the sink area. They've only recently begun crawling onto the couch, but it didn't take long for them to figure out they could find lots of interesting stuff in or near the kitchen sink. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
2 months with 2-year-olds
Someday I'll regret not being better about blogging. After all, this is as close to a baby book as I'll ever get. Two has been a tough age so far, and we're only 58 days into it, but who's counting. To experience this age with two kiddos, you're assured of having at least one child doing one or more of the following at any given moment: crying, hitting, biting, whining, falling, spending time in time-out. The list could go on and on.
I guess I've always been a "glass is half empty" kind of gal, even though I like to think that I'm a realist. This has just been a tough stage. But the good thing, is that for every moment that makes me want to break dishes (apparently I'm a toddler at heart), there are just as many moments that make me laugh with joy. Here are some highlights from the past couple of months:
- Word explosion- they will try to repeat just about anything you ask them to and are beginning to string words together. Some favorites include "daddy bike" and "daddy truck" along with "Emma, NO!"
- Will has regressed to the koala bear phase. When I pick him up, he'll wrap his legs around my waist and hug my neck as tight as can be. He'll also give kisses out of the blue. I'll be holding him and then all of a sudden he'll grab my face and plant one on me.
- Matt needs my complete attention at times. If we're reading a story and I look away from the book, he'll stop and whine "no, no" and push my face back to the book. I guess he's not going to be skilled at multitasking.
- The other day Matt was playing and I starting belting out the lyrics to a Captain and Tennille song. He stopped what he was doing, looked at me and said, "no, no, no, no." When I kept singing, he tried to squeeze my cheeks together to make it stop. I now sing the song just to see what his reaction is. Sometimes he can handle it and other times he doesn't appreciate it so much.
- The boys have always been scared of dogs, even though we have two of our own. Now we can add flies to list of animals that freak them out. It's going to be a long summer. I just don't get this one. They both will happily pick up earthworms, but scream in terror if they see a fly.
Enjoy the photos of some recent activities- toddler time at the local library, their fist bowling experience, and their new soccer goal.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mommy Milestone

We took a day trip to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. If you have not been, you must go. It truly is awesome, majestic and grand. I don't know all 7 wonders of the world, but I've been to 2 that I know of and both of them have been breathtaking. Whoever came up with the 7 wonders truly knew what they were talking about.

We also took a hot air balloon ride and an off road jeep tour in Sedona. It wasn't until after I made the non-refundable reservations for the balloon ride, that I questioned my sanity for sending both Chris and I 1000 feet above the ground in a woven basket with an open flame. You have to think about these things when you become a parent. I actually took a video of our "blast off" and was yelling, "Matt and Will, if mommy doesn't come back I love you. Wooo Hooo!" That's just not right.
Happy anniversary Chris! Thanks for getting me the watch that I discovered in a magazine ad a year ago. The ad I tore out, handed to you and said, "get this for me for our anniversary next year." Yeah, that one. I must admit, I do have good taste and you sure do follow instructions well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
They Got the Memo
I'd like to make it perfectly clear that Matt and Will have officially turned two. Apparently someone let them in on the "terrible two's" rite of passage, and they have been speeding down the checklist for the past 12 days.
- Excessive use of "NO!" Check!
- Public displays of disruption Check!
- Hitting, slapping, biting Check!
- Tantrums Check!
- Lots of quality time-outs Check!
Some highlights of the past 12 days...
Favorite quote- "Emma, NO!"
Will's favorite quote- "MA, NO!" translation "Matt, NO!"
Favorite place to yell at top of lungs- local restaurants
Newest recipient of slaps- Mama
Latest fear- caterpillars
I'm taking it all in stride but am fearing the next two years. A twin mom recently came up to Chris and I proclaiming, "I have some of those." She proceeded to tell us that when those twins were 3 years old she wanted to kill herself. Apparently I have a lot to look forward to.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Lately Matt has become obsessed with an itty bitty mole on the fourth toe of his right foot. I pointed it out one night as I was trying to "redirect" his attention from flipping off the changing pad to staying still for a diaper. Worked like a charm. Now he'll point out the mole to me any chance he gets while saying "MOHHHH!"
They turn 2 in 10 days. The second year has flown by. That's a good thing considering the first year felt like an eternity
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Beware of Books
Will's most recent experience with books has been much more physical. Thursday night just before bath time, Will slipped on a pesky paperback and fell a harrowing six inches to the wood floor below. Yes, I saw that his leg was somewhat twisted. Yes, I saw that he couldn't get up. Yes, I heard his crying. But did I think it was anything to worry about? No. We bathed him, gave him Tylenol and put him to bed. He slept like a baby that sleeps through the night, and I figured he'd forget about his fall by morning.
Friday morning I discover that he cannot stand, crawl or walk. Chris takes him to the doctor and he gets x-rays that show there is nothing abnormal. But the doctor does discover that he has severe infections in both ears. Great!
All weekend I lugged him around from room to room. By Sunday he was crawling but still would not stand or walk. Monday we had a well-child visit and his dr. felt he should have been putting weight on the leg by then. So we did another set of x-rays and are patiently awaiting the results. We have two trains of thought on the whole is-it-broken-or-not situation. 1. Our child may have been crawling around with a broken leg for almost a week. That definitely is baby-book material! 2. How lame is it that Will's first broken bone may be the result of slipping on a book? This would be a much better story had it been the result of a flying leap off the top of the refrigerator.
The moral of the story. Books are dangerous. Kids should just watch TV.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
New 'Do
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Looking Back
Today I picked out a white button down shirt to wear to work. It was one of many white button down shirts my mom purchased to make kangaroo care with the boys more modest. I can't look at those shirts without remembering hours, days, weeks visiting the boys in the NICU. The half hour kangaroo care sessions we had. The feel of their skin against mine. Knowing that my body had the power to help regulate their temperature.
Matt and Will take my breath away. They make me laugh. They turn me into a baby talking, uber-affectionate, swelling with pride mama. It amazes me every day how far we've come.
Will above, Matt below
Will above, Matt below